Monday, February 20, 2012

The Paralytic

Hello again! Hopefully you were able to read the last post and are just as excited about this blog as the MIYA core team. We had a MIYA Happy Hour last Thursday at Sherlock's in Addison and enjoyed time, drinks, food and some surprise BINGO together. We caught up on events at work and events during our week! I was glad to see familiar faces, but even more excited about the new faces that we will see next time!

Readings for Sunday February 19, 2012
Lent is upon us with Ash Wednesday coming up this week and we begin our journeys of reflection, confession and salvation. On Sunday we heard the readings from Isaiah and the Corinthians, as well as from the Gospel of Mark. In these readings, we begin to become aware of what is coming in the future for us during the Lenten season. We learn about the paralytic and the miracle working power of Jesus when he said to the paralytic, 'I order you: get up, pick up your stretcher, and go off home.'

The people are amazed at the act of a paralytic getting up on his own and walking out in front of everyone. In those times, it was customary for the people to assume that the reason for ones ailment was deserved. It was a sign that you had committed a wrongful act.  As the people watched the paralytic being healed of his ailment, the people were witnessing the amazing miracle power of Jesus. We begin to understand that Jesus was not only wholly human as he walked among the people, but with the healing powers of the paralytic, we understand that he is wholly divine as well.

At Mass, the priest posed the question, “What does this mean for us?”

As we reflect today, we contemplate who God is in our lives. He, who is wholly human and wholly divine, knows what it is like to suffer. He knows what its like to completely surrender to the path that is set.  It is amazing to know that we are not alone in our journeys. A lot of times we think that no else will understand our personal situations and we are on this journey alone, but in reality there is always going to be Jesus. Jesus suffered and because of that suffering, we have the opportunity to try to live a life that will ultimately allow us to live eternally in Heaven with the Father. In John 3:16, it is beautifully written “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but have eternal life.”

As we begin this Lenten season, let us reflect on the how we can be a better person and work fervently on our path to eternal life. We have to use every opportunity that is placed before us to learn and try to be an example of God’s love. I don’t know about you, but I know that there are struggles on a daily basis that interrupt my path to eternal life in Heaven. It is hard to stand up for the right thing, when friends are making inappropriate jokes, or gossiping about someone. I am going trip. I am going to fail. I am going to suffer. I am going to, unfortunately, not be a great example for others. That is the reality of the path. The beautiful part of the shortcomings, is that Jesus is right there waiting for us to apologize and make a the commitment to rejoin the path. We have to work daily to ensure our spot in heaven. It is not given, but a reward. I pray that I will be given the strength on daily basis to be a powerful example of the loving and healing powers of Jesus.

What are you reflections on the healing of the paralytic? How can we use this in our Lenten journeys?


  1. I thought it was interesting how Jesus responded to the paralytic's pleas for healing with "your sins are forgiven". I think it must have been confusing to the crowd! Isn't it beautiful how easily accessible confession is to us on a daily basis if we need to just start anew? Naturally we'll all fall, but God always generously provides the grace to rise up again.

  2. I couldnt agree more! It is truly amazing. It is amazing to know that we are able to come back and start anew. I am astonished by the number of times that I am forgiven of my sins and given chance after chance!! There is not limit on the mercy and forgiveness that is given. For me that is incomprehensible, but I guess that is the point.

  3. Does anyone know if there is a "search engine" for confession times based on your zipcode???? I know there is a website for mass times in your area, but didn't know if there was one for confession.
