Welcome to the Mary Immaculate Young Adults blog! We are a group of young adults that is rooted in the Catholic faith. We are married, single and leading lives of different vocations. We are, in the end, a group wanting to become closer to God in our everyday lives. We strive day to day to be examples of God's love and compassion to those around us.
Whether you found us through Mary Immaculate website, facebook, word of mouth, or you just so happened to stumble upon this blog, I hope that you become a follower so that you will have the opportunity to read about how different young adults living in this crazy and hectic world of ours work to be better Catholics. For most of us, deep down in our hearts, we want to be the great Catholics we know we can be, but struggle in the actually making that come to fruition. It may be easy for some of us to be examples and fight temptation, but, if I may be blunt, the majority of us struggle constantly.
I, personally, joined the Young Adult Ministry at Mary Immaculate because I had a feeling that something was missing. I joined this group in hopes to surround myself with other young adults who want to grow in their faith and to know that there is someone to turn to in times when we struggle to be a Catholic.
One of the major aspects that I feel is pivotal for being a Catholic is reflection. I, persoanlly, would go to Mass on Sundays and listen to the Homily and think about it for a bit after the priest was done, but never truly stopped and listened to the message and how I could apply the meaning to my life. My hope is that, through this blog, we will be able to reflect as a collective group on the messages of the homilies and how we can take that message out into the world through the words we speak, the actions we make.
The goal of this blog is for young adults from different walks of life to write about the homilies every week and for other young adults to leave comments with their own reflections about the homily, whether similar or different then the writer. We will also be able to share with others the great opportunities that this group has to offer by posting about events with a write up and pictures.
Please do not hesitate to comment on posts. We encourage the dialogue between young adults and we encourage different reflections on the readings. This is a great opportunity for us to talk about God and talk about how we, as young adults, can survive temptations and become more aware of God's love and mercy.
Looking forward to sharing thoughts and reflections with everyone!!